Wednesday, February 1, 2017


HOW FAR ALONG// 25 weeks

BABY SIZE// A rutabaga


I had a few long days at work the 25th week due to making up for "snow days" the week before, which turned out to be nothing really but worries of ice in some areas.. my back has really started bothering me.. my legs are super achy so I try to wear my compression tights as much as I can stand it. They make me feel so much better but it is a job trying to get them on; and, when I wear them under leggings and jeans, its just so many layers. Still feeling a little more pressure these days than when I did with Finley.. my nose is still giving me fits.. even when Shane cooks bacon I start sneezing and it irritates my nose so bad, it just gets stopped up and I can't breathe. 
I'm trying to lay on my left side at night but I have to switch to my right because now I feel like I have a pinched nerve.. it feels like my pelvic bone is pressing into a nerve and it sends a numbing feeling all the way down the inside of my leg to my foot. It kept me up majority of one night this week. No matter how I laid I could not get comfortable. Total misery.

MATERNITY CLOTHES// Yes with some LulaRoe tops.


For the most part, good. I'm still taking lavender baths when I feel like taking them and drinking tart cherry juice.

MOVEMENT// All the time and I love it!


I've been trying to eat better and drink more water but it's absolutely disgusting to me. Veggies are too.. even cooked my favorite way before I got pregnant.



Sleep and sleep. My body not hurting so bad but I'm pretty sure that me carrying around Finley isn't helping much with that.


Yes, I've been trying to do t25 as much as I can which may be 1 or 2 days a week.


Sometimes stressful just thinking of everything we need to get done but I feel like I've done pretty good.


None that I can remember.


He's been busy with baseball season and I've been reminding him of the countdown until baby arrives!


They have been very good and cuddly.

I used part of my gift card Shane gave me for Christmas at Chateau Elan. I couldn't use the whirlpool (unless I just put my feet in, no steam room or sauna) and that really stunk. I thought maybe I could just get in the sauna if no one was using it, keep the door open and just breathe in some of the eucalyptus but it never happened. 1. I ended up just not even taking a bathing suit and 2. it wouldn't have worked anyways because it was SO CROWDED!! It was a holiday and before I realized it it was too late to reschedule without being charged. Regardless, my massage was wonderful and it was just what I needed. I'll be saving the rest of my card for after Baby #2 so I can use all the amenities. 


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