Sunday, November 20, 2016

BUMPDATE // Baby #2 // 16 Weeks

HOW FAR ALONG// 16 Weeks

I spelled FLYING wrong. Ha!

BABY SIZE// About the size of an avocado.

I think I've felt much better this week as far as not having any nausea unless something has a horrific smell or I'm stuck changing one of Finley's poo diapers. I haven't had as much sleep as I'd like but she has been crying out around 4AM and I'm stuck staring at the walls praying that I'll fall back asleep. Since I have been feeling better, I've been doing way too much probably. I even have 2 of our trees up. I can defnitley tell when I have done a lot because the next day, I'm paying for it. 
I've found this week that between 5 and 6 hours of working my body starts feeling like it's going to shut down. I've gotten really shaky a couple times at work like my sugar dropping and like I could just fall asleep right there on the spot. I guess it's my age, how long I've been working BTC, and not getting enough rest that even after just a couple of hours of standing, I'm ready to get off my feet and go home. After Thanksgiving, my hours are going to be cut back for sure.
When I've gotten up from sitting, I've gotten really dizzy.
My legs hurt so bad and a couple of nights this week, I've felt like I've had restless body syndrome. I know 2 nights I tossed and turned and my legs would not be still. I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. Finally, I fell asleep.
I had a doctor appt on Monday 14th and everything was perfect! I gained 2 lbs since my last appt so 5 lbs total. My bp was 100/64 and the heartbeat was 140. I saw Dr Elder this time so that was nice and he was very pleased with everything.


I've been living in my new maternity leggings but did wear a pair of jeans this week with rubberband trick and belly band. I'm scared I'm going to wear out the leggings like I did my maxi skirts. I did NOT wear them ONE time this summer. I should probably just give them away to someone.


Not very good and I'm so exhausted when I go to bed. I feel like I get in a deep sleep but if I hear anything, I'm awake and it takes me forever to fall back asleep.. if I ever get there before my appetite kicks in.


I felt pretty good movement for the first time on November 17th, on my way home from work. I turned down the radio like I thought that would help me feel the movement better! LOL! I felt him/her into the night at the top of my belly.

GENDER// We find out December 5th.


Great sleep.. energy to its fullest.


I think I got in one workout this week. Honestly I've just been really busy at work, and I sleep and lay around as long as I can before I have to get ready and then go straight to work. I've just been working too long of hours and I'm going to start listening to my body.


I'm feeling much better and feeling the baby move for the first time was amazing. We've still had some mild weather and being outside with Finley when we can has been great as well.


Yes, I've been having some crazy dreams this week.


He's been calling the baby a he and just trying to speak it into existance! He said he wants his own mini me around the house.


Behaving and loving on Finley.


Celebrating our anniversary and feeling Baby Hopper #2 moving pretty good.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Happy Anniversary // 4 Years

Happy Anniversary to the one whom my soul loves!

Yesterday, Coach and I celebrated 4 years together! It hasn't always been easy but I can tell you that we have grown and our love for one another has grown even more. 

I did have to work but I came home to a clean kitchen, roses, chocolates, a sweet card, and I got a hot meal cooked on the egg. I was home with my family and that's all that mattered. Coach did offer to take us out to eat but after a long day of work, I just wanted to be home. We can go out to eat another time.

Here's to many more loving, healthy years together!

BUMPDATE // Baby #2 // 15 Weeks

HOW FAR ALONG// 15 Weeks

BABY SIZE// About the size of a baseball or an apple


Starting to feel much better as far as nausea but still having some extremely tired moments and long days at work that have really started to get to me.


I broke down and bought 2 pair of maternity leggings and I could buy more for every day of the week so I didn't have to do laundry every other day. Ha! I'm still able to wear several of my loose tops which has been nice. 


I feel like mostly I have some kind of pregnancy insomnia. And then sometimes I can get to sleep great but if I hear Finley cry out at night, it's O.V.A. So frustrating. Especially when my body tells me that I need more rest and sleep.


This week I have felt little popcorn bubbles but not anything big.

GENDER// Shane is hoping for a boy!


That dead sleep.


Well, my 3 months was up with my trainer and I opted to pass on signing up again because it was getting hard for me to get there and I'd rather save my money and start over again after I get cleared. I've been able to do t25 and even weights.


I mentioned the week before that I felt like I really didn't have a connection with this pregnancy. That Sunday after I wrote that post, our Pastor taught on prayer and at the end of the service we did something a little different. We had to pair up in partners, share (not in detail) something we wished to be prayed for, and then pray for that person. I received prayer over the way I was feeling disconnected, and no lie, I felt so much better after that. The power of prayer works! I had already scheduled a meeting with my Pastor as well for this reason, but I decided not to cancel last minute, and after that session, I felt even better.


And let the crazy dreams begin! I dreamt that Finley was asleep on her changing table (of all places!!), and she fell off head first onto the floor. Talk about that waking you up!


I think he's just patiently waiting to find out boy or girl!


They have been behaving pretty well and also been right up under me. 


Starting to feel the little popcorn bubbles in my belly!

Monday, November 7, 2016

BUMPDATE // Baby #2 // 14 Weeks

HOW FAR ALONG// 14 Weeks

BABY SIZE// About the size of a lemon.

This week I've felt much better except my stomach has still felt sour at times, with some nausea.. I've had some pains at times which I think is round ligament pain? From what I've read this seems like it should be lower but it's been around my oblique area. My sleeping seems to be a little better using my oils. I do get bad headaches at times which I feel like that's from me needing to drink more water. It's just still a little challenging to stomach.


I've still been doing the rubberband trick with my pants and loose tops. It's been SO HOT still here in Georgia that you could wear shorts and a t-shirt still. I have NOT wanted to wear shorts with these pasty legs so it's been a little challenging in the clothes dept as far as dressing for weather and being comfortable. I did try on a maternity dress this week I already had and it just looked ridiculous with my belling not filling the stomach area out all the way. Ha. I had a meltdown in my closet Thursday but there were several things that were going on while I was trying to get ready and I just let all of it get to me.


Much better using my oils. I don't think I've had to get up as much for the bathroom so that's been great but I do have to flip from side to side.

MOVEMENT// none yet


This pregnancy has been so different than with Finley. In the beginning of this one, I just ate whatever I could. Which really wasn't much except for saltines and sprite, a few milkshakes, bread, and oatmeal. I could NOT eat anything. It's gotten much better at times but I haven't really been able to do spicy foods. With Finley, I couldn't get food hot enough!! Dairy makes me sick, so really my diet has consisted of carbs, fruit, and occasional protein. I'm hoping that also gets better from here on out.

GENDER// find out at 20 weeks

WHAT I MISS// Waking up and just feeling amazing. It takes me so much time to get going and for my stomach to feel OK.


Besides my every Wednesday apt with my trainer, I maybe do t25 once or twice a week. I'm not sure if this past Wed was my last one or if I have another month with her. I can tell when I do workout that I do feel much better .. so if I could just muster up the energy to initially get out of bed early enough before Finley wakes up, I know I would probably feel even better.


I honestly don't feel "connected" to this pregnancy as I did with Fin. Is it because you are so busy with a 1 year old, work, and keeping up in general with your daily life? I feel like there are many factors that are making me feel disconnected. I'm really trying to be positive and have a better attitude but, after all, I am human and I'm just not one to pretend that I'm superwoman or perfect.


I know I've had a couple this week but nothing stands out in my mind that seemed to be odd. When I have dreamt, I wake up feeling like I haven't slept AT ALL and I just want to go back to bed.


He's been touching my belly more and we have officially nicknamed this one, squirt. In a text message not too long ago, it just came to me, and that's what I wrote and its stuck ever since.


Kyli has continued to be all over me and they are just enjoying having all of us home most of the time. Finley has really become buddy buddy with Kyli and Mara.


Continuing to have a healthy pregnancy and having no serious problems arise.

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