Sunday, December 4, 2016


HOW FAR ALONG// 18 weeks

BABY SIZE// A bell pepper.


I've had some good energy this week but have had times of exhaustion. Especially at work. Sometimes I wonder if standing behind my chair wears me out more than running after Finley. I try to sit down at work when I have the chance and I'm really sticking to working 5 hours. I will have 2 long days the week of Christmas but I had already booked that before I started feeling like this.


Maternity leggings, jeans, jeans with rubberband trick, different types of shirts, t-shirts and pajama pants. I looked back thru my emails and found the company I ordered the compression tights from and I'll be doing that this week. I know it will help with this discomfort.


Off and on good and bad. There was one night this week I woke up so happy because I knew I had not moved all night long.
We had our Biltmore trip for our anniversary and I slept HORRIBLE. I think I fell asleep long enough to have a horrific nightmare that I was leaving our hotel and a gunman was outside shooting people as they were leaving. He caught me outside while I was trying to hide and ended up not shooting me. The whole time I was contemplating how I could take him down and my dream ended with him waving his gun in my face and I grabbed it and we went to the ground fighting. If I wasn't moving and flailing in my sleep I would be very surprised.
My body was so sore as well from walking all over the estate. As we got towards the end of our tour I kept thinking if this isn't over ASAP I don't know that I'll make it. Even when we got to our hotel I felt like I was cramping and having pains in my stomach. I couldn't have walked anymore than what we did so I'm glad we went when we did.


Definitley feeling more and one afternoon at work it felt like an elbow or a knee went all the way across the left side of my belly. Which I actually chuckled a bit because that's the same side Finley stayed on.


None really. No food sounds good.


We find out Monday!! We are not doing a reveal but I am taking an envelope for the nurse (hopefully we won't see anything), I'm taking it to Ingle's for them to make a cupcake and I'm surprising Coach. He found out in the office the last time and I really want to record his face and so family and friends can see as well.


Being able to carry Finley comfortably and not be out of breath.


I think I did do t25 once? I can't remember for this week. Doesn't all the walking at the Biltmore count? My calves are still sore!!


This anniversary trip was the first time I was away from Fin over night. I didn't sleep but about 3 hours the night before and I cried a little before we left and on the way to Asheville. Part of that was hurt feelings from me taking something Shane said the wrong way. Ha! 


Crazy crazy!! See 'sleep'.


One night we were talking about how close it was to finding out the gender and I asked him was he going to be super disappointed if this one is not a boy. He tells me no but I feel like I'm going to be sad for him if it's not a boy. I really don't feel like I have a feeling either way right now except I feel nervous about it for some reason. No reason to be nervous so not sure what that is about. Maybe I'm just ready for it to be here already even tho we are this close! I also asked him did he want to try for another one if it was a girl and he quickly said NO. Whew!!


Hanging out. Kyli has been so cuddly almost to the point of annoying me but she's seriously gaurding my belly.


Having some one on one with this handsome guy! The Biltmore was gorgeous and we saw more this time than we did when we went for our wedding gift in 2012. I would love to go back in every season but my it's expensive, even getting discounted tickets. When these 2 babies get old enough to remember, I want us to take them as well. 


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