Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Fallyn // 10 Months

Fallyn, you turned 10 months old on February 27th. You have turned into THE most cuddly baby ever.. more so than you have been. You are one spunky little into everything! You love the water and you don't care if it smashes in your face (so different than Finley). You are loving crawling and pulling up on everything you can grab a hold to, you are eating table foods so well but you are NOT a fan of bananas.. you can throw down some food tho! You love your blank La La made you -- you are even grabbing for it when I come get you from your crib. 
(In March, you started making a new clicking sound with your mouth and your hair is getting so long over your ears and curly in the back! You and Fin Fin have your own language and have been "talking" more to each other. I love to hear you cackle and see that huge grin with your 1 tooth! So precious! You are having a hard time with your teething these days. You clap for yourself -- Yay Sissy! -- And you love watching Elmo with Fin Fin.)

Early morning snuggles.

Feeding Kyli again! You two crack me up!

The night before I left for Charleston for a training weekend. I hate to always leave y'all.

Fin Fin just wants to hold you!

This is one of your newer things to do. Pull up on the door and bang your hand on the window.

Happy baby all over the place! Love that little bow in your hair with all that hair! 

You can't resist the Tupperware drawer while in the kitchen.

We should just forget all the toys.. you love to play on the changing table with the wipes, pull the diapers out of the baskets, and you love to spin these knobs. Finley will try and tell you -- "No No Sissy! Lea'e alone!"

Sweet sisters. I hope y'all stay this close and love each other for years to come!



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