We woke up to a beautiful Wednesday in Ft. Myers.. the sun was shining bright and it was H-O-T-T hot. Coach and Brad hit the golf course for a round of 18 and since I wasn't feeling well, I tried to relax close by for a little bit at the pool. Not sure how relaxing it was... staying in your cover up in 90* heat makes it even hotter and pretty miserable. Even by Wednesday I did NOT want anymore sun exposure to those burnt spots. OUCH.
I decided I needed a nap at some point, which was uhh-mazing by the way, and after waking up and feeling better I made my way to the beach.
I found me an empty spot in the sand, left my towel and book, kicked my shoes off, and started on a walk down the shoreline. There is no place like the beach to me. Seriously, could just probably pack up and move.
No joke y'all.
we didn't cook at the condo, we ate at Pinchers. Seriously.
Why you ask? Probably because by the time we got ready in the evenings it was the only thing open and after the first couple of nights eating there it just became a joke... Pinchers or Pinchers?
They should have known us by name by the end of the week. Fo sho.
Putt Putt anyone?? ....
.. With Gators??
I BOMBED my first hole... but don't worry.. with all my hole-in-ones after that Coach and I were in a close race with each other. I had to show him how it was done. HA.
FIRST putt putt together!
SOOO MUCH FUN! I wish we would have gotten around to it again.
And it just wouldn't be right not leaving y'all with some kind of sunset. This view is from the patio. I spent quite some time there relaxing in a chaise lounge, enjoying some peaceful reading time.

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