Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Happy Mother's Day

My first official Mother's Day was great.. 
(last year I was pregger's and it was so sweet people acknowledged that)

Coach surprised me with a beautiful gift, we all made it to church together, I saw my Mom, I got somewhat of a nap, Coach grilled a wonderful dinner, and just after I got snuggled into bed, gave me the sweetest written card I think I've ever received from him. It was amazing.

I'm so thankful and blessed the Lord has trusted me with Finley, and I continue to pray for His guidance and wisdom(for Shane as well), to be able to guide her and raise her the way He would want us to. I'm so thankful for her happiness, smiles and sweet baby giggles. I'm thankful for her kisses and those hands and fingers that grab my face. I'm thankful for how her face lights up when I walk into the room. I'm thankful for the joy and happiness that shines on her face that is just so contagious you can't help but be joyful and happy as well. I'm thankful for this precious life.. such a blessing and so much more than I could have ever imagined.
I love you so much Fin!

I'm also thankful that my Mom is here with us this Mother's Day..

And also thankful for my MIL and all that she does!

She seriously was just so happy I can't help but to post almost the exact same picture as the first. Ha!

I hope every Mom out there had a blessed Mother's Day!


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