Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday's Letters


Dear DMV's office, I hope to not ever have to see you again anytime soon. While I enjoyed people watching, the hour and a half that I was there was entirely too long. I'd actually like to add that time back to my life... Dear work week, you have been really good to me. Thank you... Dear new spin bike, holy legs! I hope I am able to walk today!... Dear thunder thighs and saddle bags, you can feel free to leave at anytime. The harder I seem to work you the more I feel like you are staying. Seriously- BE GONE!... Dear fall weather, have I told you how much I LOVE you?? These cooler mornings and evenings have been absolutely wonderful! Dear Dawgs, I know you have several of your first string players out, but PLEASE be gentle on my nerves and bp tomorrow. I would greatly appreciate it... 

Happy weekend everyone!




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