Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Trials in Life..

I'm sure there has been times in your life where you wonder why things happen the way they do... Or why you, individually, are having to go through a trial in your life. 

Sometimes they come when you least expect it and at the most odd time where you may ask yourself, "Why now?"

I have learned that I can't question God's timing nor can I be anxious or worry about it either. There have been many times when I have wanted to know why or for God to give me an answer right then of why I am having to go through something... but, the Bible says

You can't be bitter about these times either. Being bitter or not forgiving someone of their hurt towards you, keeps you in a place of bondage. Forgiving them and giving it to the Lord allows you to be free and releases you of being bound to whatever one did or didn't do. 

What a feeling it is to be set free.. to have that weight off your shoulders.. to give it ALL to the Lord and have that PEACE

When you give it all to the Lord and have been set free of it(something), don't go back into it.

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. 
Galatians 5:1

I have gotten back into a book called Calm My Anxious Heart.. 

It was loaned to me from a friend and the more I get into the more awesome it gets. 

As hard as it may be, if you are going through some kind of trial, try and remain positive. I am speaking to myself right here as well. It can be SO hard! I just have to remember that God is in control and he has a plan. 

Proverbs 23:7 says, "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson put it this way: "Beware of what you dwell on  for that you surely become."

As I was writing the above this bottom verse came to my mind..

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. 
Philippians 4:8

Stay POSITIVE, think happy thoughts and don't let the negativity in to bind you. Know that He is taking care of you and has big plans for you. 

Have you become a stronger person through hard times? We don't always know or see what the bigger picture is.. but He certainly does. 
I just have to 
Praise Him in the storm.


*Butler, Party of 4* said...

LOVE this!! So proud of you!! xoxo

Ashley said...

Thanks so much girl! XxOo!

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