Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dreaming of this place today.. Honeymoon post(s) coming soon!

Dear June, I can't believe that you are about to be here.. the year is flying by way too fast!... Dear baby chickens, you are getting on my last nerve. Stop filling your fresh water up with shavings every time I refill for you. Oh, and by the way, Operation build-a-chicken-coup, is under way this weekend. Get ready for your new home.. Dear Sunday Sleep, you were UH-MAZING, all 15 hours of you. See you again this weekend?.. Dear Beach, I hear you calling my name and I hope to see your beautiful, heavenly self soon. Dear Front Room, get ready because I have taken off two days next week to get you all nice and organized. Sick and tired of seeing you all disheveled.. Dear Amber, I am soooo sorry and feel so bad for you fracturing your wrist and having to get a cast. Girls spend the night party next week and we are gonna bedazzle that hot pink cast!.. Dear TE Baseball Season, you have started off being so kind to me as far as my husband being home. Thank you.


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