Thursday, June 27, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I thought you were here yesterday. It's OK tho, because you are finally here... Dear Weekend, PUH--leeze don't fly by like you did last week. I would like some time to enjoy you... Dear Mama Dove, I am so sorry if Coach and I disturbed you. We didn't mean any harm and I am so thankful that your unhatched babies are safe and sound. I even went back Tuesday to check on you in the barn and I am happy to see you returned to your nest... Dear 3-Amigos, thank you for avoiding the horse "perfume" after your baths Monday. If I had to give you another bath I think you would have to sign me up for back surgery. Holy pain... Dear Sun, I would be ever so thankful if you were out this weekend so I can catch some of your rays. I am tired of being Casper and my spray tan lady is on vaca. How dare her... Dear Blonde-BLONDE Locks, I am SO thrilled you are back after such a long time being gone... 

Dear Husband, it's so uncool of you that you didn't even notice. STRIKE ONE of the weekend.

Lots of Love and Happy Friday everyone!



Julie Jinks said...

Ah ha ha! This cracka me uup!

Ashley said...

Julie, hope you guys are having a great weekend! :-D

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