Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans.. At Home

Happy Monday all!

What a mostly rainy weekend here in the Peach State and you know what that means.. mostly a lazy, relaxing weekend.
Work was pretty crazy last week, which is fine with me, but it is killer on my back! Especially when I feel like something is out of place on my right side and I am constantly reminded of it by this throbbing pain I have going on. That will hopefully be taken care of this afternoon at my chiro appointment and I could not be more excited!
With all that being said Friday night was meant for me to spend in the jet tub soaking in a hot bath.. you know the kind that the water is SO hot you have sweat beads on your face and your skin looks like a lobster? Yes, it was quite amazing. And it helped me feel a little better at work Saturday. The last of the proms around these parts. 

Afterwards, I came home to Coach working on his boat. 

Wax on. Wax off. 

I seriously think he did this 3 times. He said it was just disgusting. 
I walked outside at one point and it looked like somebody was ready for a boat ride.

Bless her.

I don't think she was ready to get down.

I did also make a yummy recipe out of the crockpot. I decided it had been put up long enough since this dinner was a fail.

You can find the recipe here from Skinny Taste.
I added hot sauce to ours too. Yummy.

Other than that, a whole lot of relaxing going on! 
Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Whitney said...

Love the hair updo! I'm having something similar done for my wedding!

Katy {and Kahler} said...

don't you love productive weekends? that up-do is so pretty!

happy Monday! :)

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