Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekending // Happy Mother's Day

Happy Monday a little late friends! It has been a day. Geez. 
Note: I tried to get this post up earlier and blogger would not work for me. Boo!

 Not from the weekend, but I was a headband wearing crazy this week! 
Love this top I picked up from Target last week.. SO COMFY!

Friday was a great day! 
It was even better knowing that I did NOT have to work Saturday.

 Saturday morning was AH-MAZING. Woke up and went straight to a massage. 
It was just what I needed.

After that, I went and picked up my cousin to do a little Mother's Day shopping for her Mom. Us girls had a great time!
While I was out near the closest Babies R Us, I went in to check out some items that I was having a hard time with online. I haven't showed Coach yet but I'm thinking this is the crib for the little miss.. only it will be white.

I have been trying to continue with the baby books and I had to take a break. So I started to review back over Praying Circles and then I will start Praying Circles around the lives of your Children. 
The problem with me reading at night, is I will get thru a couple pages and will just about fall asleep sitting up. 
It has been hard not to highlight this whole book!

Coach and I were talking Saturday night and Baby Hopper started moving.. Kyli ended up being on top of my stomach being the jealous pup she is.. well Baby kicked and she jumped back and just looked all sorts of confused LOL! I have been waiting on that moment! 

Sunday, I got up and went to Mama Jane's for Mother's Day. 
I had a great time and really enjoyed her 60* house. Ha! Felt so good!

 Coach surprised me with my first Mother's Day flowers and card. I woke up to a ton of sweet text messages and facebook messages.. such a sweet surprise from everyone. My Aunt even surprised me with a gift. So sweet!!

And can't leave out the 3 Amigas. I think the heat has really worn them out the past few days.


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