Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Snowpocalypse Feb 2014

Here we go again for Round 2! Twice in two weeks we have had snow in Winder, Georgia! Who would have thunk it? This time tho it's accompanied with ice. It started coming down yesterday around 11:15 hard with snow and ice. Not too long after that it melted to almost nothing....

..... and then I woke up to all this today! We all must have needed sleep too because the Hopper house didn't wake up until 11:00!! We have a window above our bed, I peeked thru the blind, and a winter wonderland it was! 

Of course the pups were at it once again!

I came in from outside taking pics and this is what I find.. Kyli has been quite the snuggle bug lately..


Snow Selfie!
This was taken around 2:00pm and it was coming down in a snow/ice mix.
 4:00PMish and my attempt to feed the birds.. Chopped sunflower seeds and ritz crackers.. Must not have appealed to them because I didn't see one bird go after it! Ha!

And then 5:00pm came and of all people Coach came down with cabin fever. So he warmed up the truck and we were headed out. I had been watching the crazy folks drive up and down the road all day and then we became 'those' people.

Before we pulled out of the driveway.

He had heard about some pecan pie his Mom had made so a trip to Grandma's house we go.. 

.. we had fun watching the birds fight over the food.

On our way to Coach's parents house to feed the cats and then coming back into town on the way home.

This road runs to the house and shortly after this we may or may not have had too much fun in two wheel drive. Can you say sideways???

The Sister's house!!

And our house from the road.. Sooo pretty if I do say so myself!

We were running low on fire wood so off to the barn we go!

Please excuse the overly excited high pitched voice. It always gets Kyli to doing something.

And as you can see she didn't go far before she wanted nothing else to do with it. After I turned off the camera she headed straight for the house. 

And just having some fun with the camera! I love that you can see the snowflakes in the flash.

If you look close enough Mara has a ball in her mouth.

I wanted Coach to get a shot of my throwing snow in the air but we couldn't quite get it down and then my camera card read full! 

Happy Wednesday Snow/Ice Day!



Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Those are some beautiful pictures!!!! The first one looks like you have a 2 headed dog =)

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